広島法科大学院論集 Issue 15
published_at 2019-03-15

号と表 : 列記のかたち : 法令用語釈義 その7

Legal Term Usage No.7: Item (Gō) and Tabel (Hyō) as Style for Listing
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This article is one of series of the Study of Legal Term Usage in Japanese law.
In the 7th Study I analyse two styles of Listing.
One style is "Item" (jap: Gō), that is the itemization of one or more words, phrase, clause or sentence with item number. When in the body sentence of an article or a paragaraph an item to be listed, e.g. , person, act, fact, event, reason, matter, condition etc. is presented under the term "the following ...", each item says some information correspondent to person, act, fact and so on.
The other style is "Table" (jap: Hyō) inside an article or a paragaraph and "Appended Table" (jap: Beppyō) after the Supplementary Provisions. The table, surrounding with one frame, consists of rows and columns of cells containing data. As the table is two-dimensional, it is possible to list the data both horizontally and vertically.
From the point of view of the function of listing the item and the table are very similar: in fact, we can find the item, which consists of two or three columns without frame line, and the table, which has no line with each item number.