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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Volume 84
( 2024-12-20 )
Volume 83
( 2023-12-25 )
Volume 82
( 2022-12-28 )
Volume 81
( 2021-12-25 )
Volume 80
( 2020-12-25 )
The Hiroshima University studies, School of Letters
Volume 81
Date of Issue:2021-12-25
current number
Hiroshima University
広島大学図書館蔵「いろは韻」2種の掲載漢字と和訓について : 聚分韻略・落葉集との比較を含めて
Chinese characters (kanji) and their Japanese pronunciations (wakun) in two types of Iroha rhymes in the Hiroshima University Library collection: Comparing the Shūbun inryaku and the Rakuyōshū
Shirai Jun
Nakao Sachiko
PP. 1 - 17
Development of Submarine Geomorphology Based on Analysis of Submarine Terraces around the Kandamisaki-oki Fault off the Coast of San-in Region
Gotou Hideaki
PP. 19 - 38
1960年代における革命理想とアジア主義 : 竹内好のアジア論を中心に
Revolutionary Ideals and Asianism in the 1960s: Focusing on Yoshi Takeuchi’s Theory of Asia
Liu Jinpeng
PP. 39 - 57
菅原道真仮託歌集『瑠璃壺之神詠』(架蔵・寛保二年写) : 翻刻と解題
Ruritsubo no Shin-ei, an anthology of poems attributed to Sugawara no Michizane (private collection, 1742 edition): Reprinting and annotation
Senoo Yoshinobu
PP. 19 - 37
A Chronological Record of Narushima Nobuyuki’s Career (23)
Kubota Keiichi
PP. 1 - 17