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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Volume 79
( 2019-12-25 )
Volume 78
( 2018-12-25 )
Volume 77
( 2017-12-25 )
Volume 76
( 2016-12-25 )
Volume 75
( 2015-12-25 )
Volume 74
( 2014-12-25 )
Volume 73
( 2013-12-25 )
Volume 72
( 2012-12-25 )
Volume 71
( 2011-12-26 )
Volume 70
( 2010-12-25 )
Volume 69
( 2009-12 )
Volume 68
( 2008-12 )
Volume 67
( 2007-12 )
Volume 66
( 2006-12 )
Volume 65
( 2005-12 )
Volume 64
( 2004-12-24 )
Volume 63
( 2003-12-25 )
Volume 62
( 2002-12-27 )
Volume 61
( 2001-12-28 )
The Hiroshima University studies, Graduate School of Letters
Volume 68
Date of Issue:2008-12
current number
Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University
老いの研究 : 生命倫理の観点からの老い像を求めて
A Study on Aged People : What is the image of old people from a viewpoint of bioethics?
Matsui Fumio
PP. 1 - 14
Peasant Economy of the Chugoku Mountains Area in the Second Half of Early Modern Times
Nakayama Tomihiro
PP. 15 - 35
Zur Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie Karl Bühlers : nach der Emigration in den U.S.A.
Ueda Yasunari
PP. 37 - 55
インドの後進州における産業開発戦略と工業立地 : ウッタラカンド州の「インダストリアル・ベルト」形成を中心に
Strategy for Developing Industry and Locating Factories in an Economically Backward State of India : Focusing on an 'Industrial Belt' in Uttarakhand
Tomozawa Kazuo
PP. 57 - 76
李 国栋
PP. 77 - 93
訓点資料における訓読語複層性の一様相 : 東寺観智院蔵大毗盧遮那広大成就儀軌の場合
Two or More Layers on the Aspect for Material of Guiding Marks for Rendering Chinese into Japanese : Daibirusyanakoudaijoujugiki of the To-ji Kanchi-in Temple Owning
Matsumoto Mitsutaka
PP. 69 - 84
A Chronological Record of Narushima Nobuyuki's Career (10)
Kubota Keiichi
PP. 53 - 67
三島由紀夫『金閣寺』の原稿研究 : 柏木、老師、金閣
A Study of Manuscript of Yukio Mishima's Kinkakuji : Kashiwagi, Roushi, and Kinkaku
Arimoto Nobuko
Nakamoto Saori
Ohnishi Hisaaki
PP. 33 - 51
桥本 敬司
PP. 11 - 32
Satou Toshiyuki
PP. 1 - 9