Annual Review of Hiroshima Society for Science of Arts
Issue 24
Date of Issue:2011-07-23
current number
ISSN : 0914-9872
Publisher : Hiroshima Society for Science of Arts
Portrait of Zendou-Daishi in Choin-ji Temple <Article>
Takama Yukari
PP. 1 - 18
The Origin and Idea of Ornette Coleman's Harmolodics : in Terms of Fingering, Sound and Name <Research Report>
Sasaki Masashi
PP. 19 - 31
Reflections on Japanese Traditional Arts and the Present Situation of Performing Arts in Karyukai (Geisha Diatrict) <Research Report>
Nakaoka Shiho
PP. 33 - 47
Some Considerations on the Agency of Art <Special Report>
PP. 49 - 52