広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 教育学 Issue 46
published_at 1998-03

H. B. アダムスの大学拡張論

Herbert B. Adams : an Apostle of University Extension Movement in America
930 KB
Univerisity extension originated in England in 1873. It was Herbert B. Adams (1850 ~ 1901) who introduced English University Extension in 1887 and proposed putting it into practice in the United States. Thus he has been recognized "the father of univerisity extension movement in America".

As the associate professor of Johns Hopkins University, he was also one of the best historio-graphers, playing an active part in the organization of the American Historical Association.

The History of university extension suggests that public service function of university has often conflicted with academism on campus. Viewed in this light, it is interesting to guess how Adams, as a resercher, bore university extension in mind.

This paper aims to inquire Adams' idea and scheme on university extension and clarify the features and limitations in early University Extension Movement of the United States.

This paper consists of following parts:


1. Acceptance of English University Extension

2. Leading Experiments of University Extension in America

3. Adams' Scheme on University Extension
