In this article, we were concerned with the conceptual definition of the sensible information, which could be processed through the sensation and the perception, from a psychobiological point of view. We, at first, discussed some characteristics of the information processing systems and the flexible human-interface in terms of the human brain structure and its function. We, secondly, summarized the previous empirical studies for the sensory and perceptual functions, focussing to the percetual development as well as to the brain dysfunction. Those studies suggested that some potential attributes for the sensible information processing could be revealed in the psychobiological processes. Moreover, it was suggested that the sensation and perception could be yielded not only through the processing of the superficially physical attributes of stimuli, but also through the multimodal interaction between those physical and the organismic factors. Accordingly, it could be assumed that the sensory and perceptual sensibility could be defined as the emergent and multimodal processes on the basis of a psychobiological system.