広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 心理学 Issue 40
published_at 1992-03-27


A Few Remarks on The Whole Evaluation in The Reserch of Drawings of Schizophrenic Patients
Morita Hiroshi
362 KB
The purpose of this paper was to consider the significance of the whole evaluation in the researches of drawings of schizophrenic patients.

Statistical researches have developed index for diagnosing schizophrenia by their drawings. But in most of these researches, constituent elements were evaluated, and researches evaluating the drawing as a whole were insufficient. In this paper, the reason for insufficient researches on the whole evaluation was considered. And also it was considered that the features obtained by the whole evaluation are more adequate to explain the features of the drawings of schizophrenic patients, and that the whole evaluation can be a reliable statistical index. Furthermore, it was suggested that the features of drawings of schizophrenic patients, obtained by the whole evaluation, can be the key to access the essense of the pathology in schizophrenia.
the whole evaluation