地誌研年報 Issue 11
published_at 2002-03


Inter-regional Trade of Rice and Paddy in Java and Madura from the End of the 19th Century to the Beginning of the 20th Century
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In this essay how rice and paddy were traded over the border of the residencies in Java and Madura is examined from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the period in which foreign rice import rapidly increased in spite of the enlarged rice production there. Another characteristics of this period was the development of the railway construction, which influenced much on the inter-regional trade as mentioned below. In these circumstances it is the residency Bantam, Krawang, Cheribon, Besuki, Prianger and Banyumas that could stably produce and export bulk of rice and paddy in this period. On the contrary Batavia, Pekalongan, Surabaya, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Jogjakarta and Madura needed to import them every year. And there were the following four main streams of them in Java and Madura. The first was the stream of imported foreign rice which flew mainly from the port Surabaya and Semarang into the adjacent regions, of which the flow from the former was the most important. The amount of import at Batavia port was, however, relatively small, the reason of which seems to be that the most of the residencies around Batavia had rice surplus. The second was the foreign export of Java rice mainly from West Java, especially from the private farmlands (Particuliere Landerijen) in Indramayu region. The third was the export to the Outer Provinces (Buitengewesten) from the main rice producing residencies along the north coast like Bantam, Krawang and Cheribon. And the fourth was the flow of rice and paddy within Java and Madura which had various routes and characters. We can, however, point out the following four as the main stream, that is, (l)the import of Batavia from the adjacent residencies of Bantam, Prianger and Krawang, (2)the eastward stream from Krawang and Cheribon to the rice short residencies in the north coast, (3)the flow mainly to Jogjakarta from the south coastal residency of Banyumas and also from the far distant residency of Preanger, (4)export from Besuki to the adjacent residenci