9 号
1995-03-20 発行
ISSN : 0911-3401
発行元 : 日本研究研究会
An introduction to a study of the home affairs bureacracy in Showa era
古川 隆久
PP. 1 - 14
Korean words of Japanese origin
李 庸悳
PP. 15 - 27
House types and their natural environment in the Sijo basin
伊藤 多喜子
PP. 29 - 38
The ironical storategy of the editorial policy : The relation between Yojuro Yasuda and magazin Cogito
柳瀬 善治
PP. 39 - 57
Dufu's influences in Basho's work, Gonshichi-ni-shimesu
曹 元春
PP. 59 - 76
A plan of university reforms in Hiroshima area : As the starting point of international cooporation
永尾 章曹
PP. 77 - 104