広島大学文学部紀要 39 巻
1979-12-15 発行


A Study of the Nyāyamukha (III)
桂 紹隆
1.09 MB
3.5. 9 types of pakṣadharma exemplified. / 2a19-b2
Verses 5 & 6
4. hetu, viruddha and aniścita. / 2b3-5
Verse 7
4.1. Def. of hetu. / 2b6-8
4.2. Defs. of viruddha and aniścita. / 2b8-10
4.3. Singularity of hetu, etc. / 2b11-14
4.4. aniścita examined. / 2b14 -19
4.5. viruddhāvyabhicārin / 2b20-24
4.6. Summerizing verses 8, 9 & 10. / 2b24-c2
(to be continued)

P/S: I would like to offer this small article to my late mother-in-law, Hiroko Kondo who passed away in the evening of September 4th, 1979.