広島大学文学部紀要 37 巻
1977-12-15 発行


桂 紹隆
1.25 MB
The aim of this paper is to present a new Japanese translation of the N(yāya)M(ukha) of Dignāga together with its Sanskrit and Tibetan fragments/parallels so far discovered; a brief exposition of my own follows the translation of each passage. It is almost a half century ago that H. Ui and G. Tucci published a translation of the NM one after another. Since then various studies of Dignāga have appeared, including important works on the Pramāṇasamuccaya done by H. Kitagawa and M. Hattori, which now enable us to produce a completely new study of the NM. The following is a synapsis of the portions of the NM translated and studied in this paper.

/ Taisho Vol. 32
0. Introduction / 1a5
1. Def. of sādhana & Def. of paksa. (Verse 1) / 1a6-7
1.1. Def. of sādhana explained. / 1a8-11
1.2. Def. of pakṣa explained (1). / 1a11-16
1.3. Def. of pakṣa explained (2): 4 pakṣābhāsas. / 1a16-22
1.4. The Naiyāyika's 'pratijñāvirodha' criticized. / 1a22-b3
2. pakṣadharma: 9 types. (Verse 2) / 1b4-7
2.1. Three meanings of the word 'pakṣa'. / 1b8-10
2.2. pakṣadharma must be recognized by both parties of a debate; jñāpakahetu & utpādaka-/kāraṇahetu. / 1b11-17
2.3. 4 (asiddha) hetvābhāsas. / 1b17-22
2.4. Again, hetu(=pakṣadharma) must be recognized by both parties of a debate. / 1b22-27