広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 48 号
2000-03-10 発行

「総合的な学習」と算数・数学科における学習との関係 : 算数・数学科の相補的な二面性

Relationship between "Integrated Learning" and School Mathematics Learning : Complemental and Dual Aspects of School Mathematics
751 KB
The purpose of this paper is to make clear the relationship between "integrated learning" and school mathematics learning. First, the aims and activities of "integrated learning" are summarized. Second, a vision of school mathematics based on the revised course of study is given. Then, as a result of the investigation from the view point of school mathematics, a theoretical model is presented in order to make clear the relationship between "integrated learning" and school mathematics learning. The key characteristics of this model are complemental and dual aspects of school mathematics, i.e. "real world and mathematical world" and "social aspect and personal aspect". Finally, three concrete examples are given in order to show the similarity and peculiarity of school mathematics learning in comparison with the "integrated learning".