広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 Issue 47
published_at 1999-03-12

Who is Sylvia?論 : その喜劇性を求めて

Some Elements of a Light Comedy and a Serious Drama in Who Is Sylvia?
Nakamura Yoshito
495 KB
Rattigan wrote most of his comedies in the early part of his writing career, and in the latter part he wrote mostly serious dramas. Some comedies, however, were written at about the same period with his serious dramas. The same playwright, of course with the same inner life, wrote both comedies and serious dramas one after another. What made him do so is an interesting question.

It is the aim of this paper to examine some elements of a light comedy and a serious drama, and also their relationship, if any, in Who Is Sylvia? by Terence Rattigan.