広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 47 号
1999-03-12 発行


An Analysis of Identity Statuses and the Characteristics of Psychosocial Tasks in Old Age from the viewpoints of retirement crisis.
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The present study was designed to investigate the identity statuses and characteristics of psychosocial tasks in old age. Data were obtained on the basis of questionnaire distributed to 83 men from 60' s to 80' s. The results were summarized as follows:

1) By the analysis of SCT responses, the following five types of identity after retirement were found: (A)The Active-Welcomer, (B)The Retirement-Crisis-Converted, (C)The Passive-Welcomer, (D)The Crisis-Continued, and (E)The Easily-Transferred. These five types were classified into Marcia' s identity-statuses.

2) Identity achiever (A: The Active-Welcomer and B: The Retirement-Crisis-Converted) achieved psychosocial tasks in every stages better than other statuses. On the contrary, Identity diffusion (D: The Crisis-Continued) showed lower level of achievement of psychosocial tasks in comparison with the other statuses.
psychosocial task
identity status
Old Age