広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 27 号
1979-03-30 発行

体育科教育における実践研究の歴史 : 戦後史より

A Historical Study Of Practiced Education in the Curriculum of Physical Education : mainly on the postwar history
松岡 重信
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The correspondence of theory and practice is also one of the permanent task in the study of education. Various civil study circles of physical education have been grappling with this task and accumulating valuable data in the postwar history of curriculum studies in physical education. These circles came into being during the chaotic period immediately after the termination of the war and during the turning period of educational policy in the thirties of Showa. They have been incessantly groping with the true practice of physical education. At the same time they have firm attitudes of and-power and authority as their spiritual bases.

The study circle of school physical education which developed "Dolhira" may be said to be typical. The position of methodological physical education is also on the point of being elucidated in the academic circle of physical education. On this occassion, the study of practiced pysical education should propose the problem concerned with the educational cycle of objectives, contents and methods being inseparably related with the subjectivity of teachers.