Hiroshima interdisciplinary studies in the humanities 18 巻
2023-03-31 発行

The Sun Worship and Snake Worship in Dotaku

CHENG Haiyun
1.47 MB
Dotaku are a representative relic of the Yayoi period in Japan. The designs and patterns of Dotaku are the reproduction of the life scene of the Yayoi people and the manifestation of their praying for a good harvest of rice. Dotaku are sacrificial utensils. On the one hand, Dotaku are the symbol of Okuninushinomikoto who is the Snake God, and on the other hand, the large golden-colored Dotaku emphasize the sacredness of the Sun worship in the sacrifice. Dotaku not only convey the unity of the Sun worship and Snake worship, but also reflect the desire of rice farmers to pursue high-yield rice and a prosperous population.
Rice Culture
Snake Worship
Sun Worship