32 巻
2010 発行
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
発行元 : 広島大学平和センター
Historical, Theoretical and Policy-oriented Re-examination of the Principle of Ownership of Local Society for Peacebuilding
篠田 英朗
PP. 1 - 25
Sino-Portuguese Relations on the status of Macau
PP. 27 - 55
Cause of Border Conflict over the World Heritage
山下 明博
PP. 57 - 81
Alter-globalization movement across borders : Reviewing 10 years of the World Social Forum
毛利 聡子
PP. 83 - 106
Visualized Map of a fire field near epicenter of Hiroshima A-bomb in August 6, 1945
川野 徳幸 大瀧 慈 岡田 高旺
PP. 107 - 128