2 巻
1978 発行
PRINT ISSN : 0386-3565
ONLINE ISSN : 2434-9135
発行元 : 広島大学平和センター
Legal effects to be brought about by the ratification of the international covenants on human rights
小寺 初世子
PP. 1 - 42
Restructuring a framework for assessment of science and technology as a driving power for social development : A bio-sociological approach
森 祐二
PP. 43 - 61
On the development of a program package for lexical analyses of a text: Outline and logic
松尾 雅嗣
PP. 63 - 90
Nagai Hideaki Matsuo Masatsugu Kitanishi Makoto Shohno Naomi
PP. 115 - 133