広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 Volume 7
published_at 2012-12-31

サーバ・プログラムのカスタマイズによるブレンド型授業の実効性に関する研究 <学位論文要旨>

A Study on the Effectiveness of Blended Learning by means of Customization of Server Program <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
Tokumoto Hiroko
1010 KB
The aim of this dissertation is to prove the value and potentiality of blended learning by means of customization of server program. The verification is done through examination of the following two subjects.
Subject 1. How can language teachers make their original online teaching/testing materials which reflect their own instructional designs?
Subject 2. How effective is blended learning?
The cognitive scientific method called “computer simulation" is adopted for Subject 1. The mobile server software “MY Server" is used for it. Statistical research is done for Subject 2.

Following three online teaching materials were created by the author for blended learning.
(1) Online Placement Test; OPT
(2) Online Vocabulary Practice; OVP
(3) Online English Reading Practice; OERP

In OPT and OVP, teachers' instructional designs were successfully demonstrated and it was proved that the computer simulation is an effective way to find and express their hitherto unconscious ideas. For Subject 1, the author proposes computer simulation as a useful way for language teachers to create their own online teaching materials. With OERP, the class average of final grades was greatly improved and it is judged that blended learning has a positive effect. Blended learning changes classes favorably not only in quantity of learning but also in quality. This conclusion suggests an affirmative answer for Subject 2.
Blended Learning
Computer Simulation
Server Program
Language education
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