広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究
13 巻
2018-12-31 発行
ISSN: 1881-7688
発行元 : 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科
Effects of Practice and Psychological Pressure on Hesitations and Collisions in a Cooperative Pair
小川 茜
PP. 47 - 49
The Central Mechanisms Behind the Ergogenic Effects of Body Cooling
鬼塚 純玲
PP. 51 - 53
Studies on Biological Action of Novel Neurosecretory Proteins in Chickens and Rats
鹿野 健史朗
PP. 55 - 57
The Rlationship Among Range of Motion, Muscle Strength, and Physical Performance in Older Women
鄭 勳九
PP. 59 - 61
Acquisition of Coordinated Finger Movements Through Motor Skill Learning
平野 雅人
PP. 63 - 65
Construction of Transdiagnostic Metacognitive Model Focusing on Responsibility to Continue Thinking and Repetitive Negative Thinking
向井 秀文
PP. 67 - 70
Corpus-based Study of English Reactive Responses with a Focus on Synonymous Lexical Items
PP. 71 - 72