広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 19 号
2021-03-01 発行

中学校特別支援学級における人間関係形成・社会形成能力の特徴 : 「話合い活動」での生徒の発話分析を通して

Characteristics of Forming Human Relationships and Social Development Abilities in Special Needs Class in Junior High School: Based on an Analysis of Narrative of Students in “Discussion Activities”
井上 美由紀
若松 美沙
472 KB
Characteristics of forming human relationships and social development ability were examined for students in special needs classes in junior high school in the current study based on a speech analysis of students in “Discussion activity”. As a result, such characteristics have been revealed in each stage, i.e., a shift from “selfish speech and counter-evidence type speech” to “speech in awareness of all students” and “sharing type speech to make new proposal” while receiving assistance and evaluation by teachers in the first stage, fledgling of “continuous altruistic speech” and “collective speech based on discussion between students” in the second stage, and arising of “counter-evidence /sharing type speech for proposals”, “repeated sharing type speech” and “agreed speech with sharing type speech” from an altruistic and collective perspective in the third stage followed by continued sharing type speeches. From these outcomes, it has been suggested that such speeches arise that agree with proposals for problem solving and those made by friends while discovering problems by discussion between students along with a trend shifting to speeches focused on friends and groups in the class as well.
Junior high school
Forming human relationships and social development abilities
Discussion activities
Analysis of speeches