学習開発学研究 Issue 14
published_at 2022-03-30

未来に対するイメージおよび自尊感情が就職不安に及ぼす影響 : 希望進路が教職のみか否かでの比較

The influence of future image and self-esteem on employment anxiety: Comparison between students whose desired career is teacher and others
EMOTO Takumi
947 KB
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of future image, comprising future self image (measured by the future time perspective scale) and future social image, and self-esteem on employment anxiety. In addition, the study examined the difference in these effects between students whose desired career was teacher and others. An online survey was conducted and data were obtained from 91 students (students whose desired career was teacher [n = 49] and others [n = 42]). The factor analysis results revealed that the future social image scale consisted of three factors: hopefulness, difficulty, and wideness. In addition, the validity and reliability of the future social image scale were confirmed. The results of multiple regression analysis suggested that future social image had an influence on future self image, and these two types of future image had specific effects on employment anxiety. Furthermore, it was suggested that the functions of the two types of future image differed depending on whether the desired career was teacher.
Employment anxiety
Future time perspective
Future social image
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