3 号
2007-03-20 発行
ISSN : 1880-1897
発行元 : 広島大学法学会
PP. 3 - 4
PP. 5 - 18
Career and achievements of Professor Kiichi Goto
PP. 19 - 21
A comparative study of auditing system under between the Company Law and the Stock Exchange Law in Japan <Articles>
岸田 雅雄
PP. 23 - 48
The Legal Character of the Discounting of Bills and the Acceleration Clause <Articles>
後藤 紀一
PP. 49 - 77
The Conference held by the Association of American Law Schools in Vancouver <Articles>
PP. 99 - 104
Arbitre du projet du Code de commerce de Professeur Roesler et Juge-arbitre en France <Articles>
PP. 105 - 120
Die Sicherungsuebertragung vom Grundstueck und das Grundbuch <Articles>
PP. 121 - 144
Memorandum on Criminal Prosecution of Multiple Offenses <Articles>
PP. 145 - 176
Directors' Liability over Fair Accounting Practice : The Case of Nippon Long Term Credit Bank <Articles>
PP. 177 - 196
Reflexionen über Organisationszwang (3) <Articles>
PP. 197 - 226
Ein Plan zur Re-systematisierung der strafrechitlichen Lehren zur Gesetzesanwendung <Articles>
小田 直樹
PP. 227 - 262
The influence for foreign-owned companies by the reform of Chinese Company Law <Articles>
翁 成峰
PP. 263 - 277
Die Scheidungsfolgenvereinbarung beim Notar in Deutschland <Translation>
ケストラー オリバー・フランツ 神谷 遊
PP. 279 - 294
The character of current company law of China <Notes>
張 国炎
PP. 295 - 310
PP. 311 - 318
Result of survey "Demand for Legal Consultation of Corporations in Hiroshima" <Research Report>
PP. 319 - 324