12 号
2016-03-20 発行
ISSN : 1880-1897
発行元 : 広島大学法学会
PP. 3 - 4
PP. 5 - 10
Career and achievements of Professor Yoshiaki Kohari
PP. 11 - 14
"SINGULARITY" and Law <Article>
羽田野 宣彦
PP. 39 - 53
La codification du droit international privé au Japon : les effets du projet de la révision du code civil en Belgique et son effacement <Article>
PP. 55 - 98
Legal Term Usage No.4 : Baai, Toki, Toki, Deatte ... Mono <Article>
PP. 99 - 146
Infringe on Legal Right of Third Party <Article>
PP. 147 - 191
"Prospects of Performance of Obligations" of Splitting Company and "in Connection with its Business" in Japan's Companies Act <Article>
PP. 193 - 221
Zur Einwilligung der Familienangehörigen in ärztliche Maßnahmen <Article>
PP. 223 - 245
Statutory Interpretation of Atomic Bomb Survivor's Assistant Act and Legislative Intent <Article>
PP. 247 - 276
The State of Studies of Japanese Constitution in the U. S. and Europe <Research Note>
新井 誠 岡田 順太 横大道 聡 小谷 順子 木下 和朗 徳永 貴志
PP. 277 - 328
Nuclear Energy, People, and Society : Peace and Security in the age of Uncertainty <Note of a Symposium: Peace and Human Security>
PP. 331 - 344
Sediment Disaster and Private Law <Note of a Symposium: Peace and Human Security>
PP. 345 - 364