Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences Volume 61 Issue 4
published_at 2012-12

An Ischemic Stroke Patient with Free Floating Thrombus in Carotid Artery, Successfully Treated by Open Carotid Thrombectomy : A First Case Report in Nepal

Shrestha Prabin
Adhikari Rupendra
Tamrakar Samantha
Pant Basanta
Koirala Bhagwan
205 KB
Free floating thrombus in the carotid artery is a well-known phenomenon, though relatively rare. We present a case in which we performed open surgery and achieved successful retrieval of the thrombus. A 40 year-old male patient presented with ischemic stroke and mild left hemiparesis. Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed infarction in the right parieto-occipital area. Carotid Doppler study showed carotid stenosis on the right side. Further investigation with CT angiography of the neck vessels confirmed significant carotid artery occlusion with a free-f loating thrombus in the internal carotid artery. Carotid endarterectomy was planned under EEG monitoring. The right carotid artery was exposed with a vertical incision along the medial margin of the sternocleido-mastoid muscle. The carotid artery was opened and, as expected, showed a soft, mobile thrombus. Thus thrombectomy was planned. A 2 Fr fogarty catheter was introduced distal to the thrombus, the balloon was inflated and pulled back gently, which removed the thrombus completely. There was no postoperative complication and the patient is fine at 1 year follow-up.
Ischemic stroke
Carotid artery stenosis
Free floating thrombus
Open carotid thrombectomy
(c) Hiroshima University Medical Press.