広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 7 巻
2017-03-28 発行

中学生のライフスキル向上をめざして : 第9学年における食品添加物の学習を通して

A Study on Improving Secondary School Students' Life Skills: In Teaching Practice on Food Additive to 9th Grade
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effects on teaching practice, in order to improve students' view of food consumption, which is concerned with the safety of imported food and which relies on dining-out and ready-made food, and in order to establish better students' food consumption for their developmental stage. To improve life skills and Quality of Life (=QOL), it is crucial to have safe and balanced food and develop knowledge and attitude of better food consumption from young age. Therefore, the author focused on the 9th grade whose eating habits tend to get unhealthy, according to the survey of their life style, had students reconsider their food consumption and gave them a health guidance to improve their eating habits. In the teaching practice, students reconsidered their eating habits and gain basic knowledge on components of their own life skills, by developing their attitudes towards better food consumption.