広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 7 巻
2017-03-28 発行

確率概念を形成する算数学習の開発に関する研究 : 確率概念形成に必要な数学的な見方・考え方を中心に

A study on Development of Math Class to Form the Concept of Probability: Focusing on Perspectives and Ideas of Math to Form the Concept of Probability
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The purpose of this research was to develop a method of teaching and evaluation to foster perspectives and ideas of math to form the concept of probability. First, a perspectives and ideas of math were made, which was needed to make a goal and contents of learning which were related to "Probability" in elementary education and to form the concept of probability. Second, concrete achievements of students were made in each class based on the viewpoint and the attitude of math. In respect of teaching method, every class was done in the following order, students (1) made a prediction, (2) carried out an experiment, (3) considered based on a result. In respect of the method of evaluation,"Self-evaluation activity of OPPA" was adopted. As a result of the teaching method, it became clear that the teaching method was effective to foster the perspectives and ideas of math to form the concept of probability. This was because concrete achievements of students were made in each class and feedback based on the self-evaluation activity was given to the students. There is still room for improvement to enable students to use the perspectives and ideas consciously.