広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 7
published_at 2017-03-28

因果関係に着目する見方・考え方を育む授業の考察 : 「うごくおもちゃを作っていっしょにあそぼう」(2年)の実践を通して

A Study of a Class Fostering Perspectives and Ideas through a Causal Relationship: Class Practice of Unit "Let ’s make a moving toy and play together" in Second Grade Elementary School
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The purpose of this study is to discuss pedagogical methods to develop students' perspectives and ideas through a causal relationship in practice of a class where students make their own moving toys. In this research, the researcher conducted classes and collected self-report sheets and questionnaires at the end of every class. The result suggests that students employed four pedagogical methods and compared some causes concerning a causal relationship in an activity where students make their own toys. The four pedagogical methods are as follows: 1) To consider what kind of linguistic expression to use focusing on a causal relationship. 2) To associate this unit with the units about making toys which also acquire students to look at a causal relationship. 3) To express words by focusing on a causal relationship and utilizing narrative structures. 4) To encourage students to help each other.