広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 7
published_at 2017-03-28


Teachers' interactions developing children's germs of morality
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今回の研究では,次の4つの教師のかかわりが大切だということが明らかになった。 ①子どもの心の動きに寄り添った教師のかかわり②目に見えないものの大切さを伝える教師のかかわり③子どものありのままの思いを受け止める教師のかかわり④自分の思いと向き合った姿を認める教師のかかわりである。
The purpose of this study is to discuss and clarify what effective teachers' interaction are in order to develop children's germs of morality. It mainly focuses on interactions between teachers and children and examines effective teachers' interactions to develop children's germs of morality by recording episodes of children whose germs of morality seemed to be developed. This study clarified that four types of teachers' interactions were important: 1. teachers' interactions closing to changes of children’s minds, 2. teachers' interactions conveying the importance of what the children cannot directly see, 3. teachers' interactions receiving what children really think, 4. teachers' interactions recognizing the children facing what they think. In addition, the researcher considered that not only teachers' direct interactions with them but also "teachers' senses of values" would have a lot to do with developing children's germs of morality. In further research, the researcher clarifies teachers' roles which are important for raising children's germs of morality with wider perspectives.