幼年教育研究年報 37 巻
2015-10-15 発行

保育者が遊び保育の日案を構想することの限界 : 幼児の遊び文化の自立性と継続性への着目の必要性 <特別寄稿論文>

Considering play when designing a daily program for children : The importance of continuity and autonomy in establishing a ‘culture of play’ in early childhood education <Special Contribution>
小川 博久
1000 KB
Each morning, when children enter their classroom, they will take some time to investigate it before choosing their own space. If experiences within this autonomously chosen space are positive, for example, through playing together happily with their friends, they will usually choose the same location the following day (and so on into the future, establishing a pattern of continuity). Consequently, their location within the room becomes a charged site where the memories of playing and learning to work together with classmates and playthings intersect. It is of vital importance for teachers to consider how these elements of continuity and autonomy can be integrated into their daily programming, because developing a strong ‘culture of play’ will allow the children to develop quickly into productive learners with fertile imaginations.
daily program
culture of play
early childhood education
Copyright (c) 2015 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会