幼年教育研究年報 36 巻
2014-09-30 発行

幼児の空間言語の習得に関する発達的研究 : 遠近,前後,左右の理解 <原著論文>

Spatial Language Development in Young Children : Understanding of Near-Far, Before-Behind, and Right-Left <Original work paper>
鄭 暁琳
1.06 MB
The purpose of this study was to investigate the children’ spatial language development. We investigated three- to six-year old children’s ability to understand 6 words in pairs for this study: near-far, before-behind, right-left. The results showed that before-behind was easiest for children to understand, and near-far was understood correctly. While right-left, being most difficult. Understanding the right and left from one’s own viewpoint was easier than from another’s viewpoint. The findings are discussed in relation to general language development, and in terms of reference frame conflict.
Spatial language
Language development
Spatial cognition
Cognitive development
Copyright (c) 2014 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会