広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編 Volume 27
published_at 2001-12

花岡岩山地渓流における河床形態に関する研究 : 広島県黒瀬川源流の例

River Bed Form in a Granitic Mountainous Catchment : A Case of the Source Area in Kurose River, Hiroshima Prefecture
Nishimune Naoyuki
Naruoka Tomohiro
693 KB
In order to clarify spatial variations in a river bed form in a granitic mountainous catchment, we surveyed topographically a steep river on a source area of Kurose River in which the debris flow occurred in 1999. Firstly, we found that the spatial variation in erosion-deposition process on the steep river. Both of the lower stream and upper one held much sediments with large gravels (φ>2m). On the other hand, the middle stream exposed mainly the bedrock. Secondary, we confirmed spatial distribution of river falls. The height of river fall on the upper stream rose with the increase of river gradient. On the contray, the frequency of falls was constant in spite of inclination.
river bed form
debris flow
sediment discharge
bedrock channel