広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編
25 巻
1999-12-28 発行
ISSN : 1340-8364
発行元 : 広島大学総合科学部
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PP. 1 - 10
Agaoka Yoshio Kim Byung Hak Lee Hyun Ju
PP. 11 - 20
Digital sound data description with cellular automata and its application to data compression
和田 昌人 黒岩 丈介 奈良 重俊
PP. 21 - 31
Some Features of Air Pollutants Transport Processes in Summer Driven by Three-dimensional Wind Distributions in Basins : The sample of Tsuyama basin
永田 純一 原田 和男 松田 正典
PP. 33 - 43
Quantitative Energy-Dispersive X-Ray microanalysis of rock-forming minerals
PP. 45 - 54
How to trap moles and shrew-moles and to keep them alive in captivity
日下部 真一 日下部 真
PP. 55 - 59
Effect of feeding by Monochumus alternatus on pine tree vitality : (2) A case of natural young Japanese red pine stands under different air pollution levels
岡馬 裕人 中根 周歩 富井 利安 戎 晃司
PP. 61 - 73
Mass wasting process at the surface of the Sangun metamorphic rocks in Kaminishigawa area, Asahi-machi, Okayama Prefecture.
新宮原 秀和 平山 恭之 津島 淳 於保 幸正
PP. 75 - 87
Dieback of pine forests and the tree population structure in pine wilt disease forests in Higashi-Hiroshima City
白築 治枝 根本 玲子 中越 信和
PP. 89 - 102
Topographic characteristics to cause landslides and fluidization of their materials : From the debris flow disasters in the northwestern part of Hiroshima Prefecture in 1988
渡邊 哲也 海堀 正博
PP. 103 - 116
Characterization of tree species of a flood-induced riverside forest in La Macarena, Colombia
土谷 彰男 伊沢 紘生
PP. 117 - 124
Hypnagogic EEG stages and polysomnogram
林 光緒 日比野 憲司 堀 忠雄
PP. 125 - 140
The Effect of Feeling of Similarity with Music on Relaxation : Relation between Mood before Listening and Music Type
伊藤 孝子 岩永 誠
PP. 141 - 150
Effects of the scientific lecture on the change of paranormal beliefs about kanashibari phenomenon
PP. 151 - 160
Relationship of daytime activity and nocturnal sleep in the elderly
城田 愛 玉木 宗久 林 光緒 堀 忠雄
PP. 161 - 170
The influence of need and ability to achieve cognitive structuring on self-esteem and acceptance of others
浦 光博
PP. 171 - 179
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on Bioactive Quassinoids : Isolation, Synthesis, and Structure-Activity Relationships
ラーマン シャキラ
PP. 181 - 183
<Summary of Doctorate>Nano-structural Characterization of the Mg-Ni-based Hydrogen Storage Alloys using Focussed lon Beam/Transmission Electron Microscope Technique
山本 研一
PP. 185 - 188
<Summary of Doctorate>Changes and Movements of the Locus of Amplified c-myc Genes in HL-60 Cells during Culture or Differentiation Induction
ハク モハメッド マスドル
PP. 189 - 191
<Summary of Doctorate>Imidazoline receptor and its role in the intestine of the eels acclimated to sea water
金 興泰
PP. 193 - 195
<Summary of Doctorate>Effects of co-occurring tree speciess on the susceptibility of Pinus densiflora and P. thunbergii stands to pine wilt disease
真鳥 克典
PP. 197 - 199
<Summary of Doctorate>Biosynthesis and Function of Neurosteroids in the Vertebrate Brain
浮穴 和義
PP. 201 - 204
PP. 205 - 223