広島大学大学院文学研究科考古学研究室紀要 Issue 9
published_at 2017-10-31

広島県神石高原町出土遺物の資料紹介 : 旧豊松村域出土の井平コレクション

Archaeological Finds from Jinseki-kōgen Town: The “INOHIRA Collection” from Toyomatsu Village
Maki Hirotaka
Sasaki Naoya
Namura Takehiko
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The Department of Archaeology at Hiroshima University has carried out archaeological surveys at Jōmon rock shelters and cave sites in the vicinity of Taishaku-kyō in northeastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture for more than 50 years. However, to date, open sites in this region have not been investigated respectively, because none have been detected. A range of open sites in the vicinity of Taishaku-kyō were located and surveyed in this study in order to develop hypotheses regarding modes-of-life during the Jōmon period. Thus, one initially investigated a series of finds that had already been unearthed by chance as the result of agricultural land consolidation or cultivation in Toyomatsu village in the northern part of town of Jinseki-kōgen, formerly Toyomatsu village in the Jinseki district (gun). This town is located on the eastern side of the Taishaku-kyō area and all the artefacts examined were the property of the late Mr. Gunji INOHIRA, who collected them, compiled records, and left a series of documents regarding the remains of these sites before they were destroyed more than 20 years ago. These documents are therefore important reference materials enabling a deeper understanding of the archaeological sites in Toyomatsu village. This collection includes pottery of the Jōmon and Yayoi period, as well as stone tools from the Late Jōmon and the Middle Yayoi periods, and Sue ware, beads (necklaces), and ironware etc. from the Late Kofun period. The important “INOHIRA collection” is introduced in this report and some considerations regarding the archaeological sites in Toyomatsu village are presented.