Hiroshima University bulletin of the Department of Archaeology
Issue 7
Date of Issue:2015-07-30
current number
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University
PP. -
PP. -
Emergence and Development of Burial Mounds in the Yayoi Period, as noted in excavations at the Satadani, Satadao Burial Mound Group, Hiroshima Prefecture <Research and Studies at the Department of Archaeology: Article>
PP. 1 - 12
Typology and Periodization of the Juken-mon (Concentric Circle Style) Mirrors <Research and Studies at the Department of Archaeology: Article>
Wakiyama Kana
PP. 13 - 37
Non-destructive Analysis of Ancient Bronze Swords Possessed at Archaeological Research Laboratory of Hiroshima University <Research and Studies at the Department of Archaeology: Article>
PP. 39 - 84
Experimental Iron Production using Limonite Ore <Research and Studies at the Department of Archaeology: Research Note>
Nojima Hisashi Hirao Hideki
PP. 85 - 91
Topographic Survey of the Kaidahara Tumulus No. 29 in Kisa, Miyoshi City <Research and Studies at the Department of Archaeology: Research Note>
Hirao Hideki Ikenishi Misaki Kaihara Kenya Kosaka Ryo Hiramoto Naoki Fukuchi Shohei Fukumoto Ryuki Mukai Ryohei Watanabe Naotaka
PP. 93 - 108
Examples of Artifacts from the Nakayama Shell Midden: Nakayama I type Rice Kettle Ceramics <Research and Studies at the Department of Archaeology: New Research Material>
Nojima Hisashi Fujii Shohei Ichikawa Hakuhiro Morimoto Naoto Hirao Hideki
PP. 109 - 126
Disaster Archaeology Analysis : The 2014 Landslide and Archaeological Sites in Hiroshima <Records and Selected Works from the Department of Archeology>
Nojima Hisashi Ichikawa Hakuhiro Hirao Hideki
PP. 128 - 128
Resignation of Kiyohide FURUSE, Professor at the Hiroshima University <Records and Selected Works from the Department of Archeology>
PP. 129 - 133
Research and Social Activities of the Department of Archaeology <Records and Selected Works from the Department of Archeology>
Nakamura Norie
PP. 135 - 136