広島大学大学院文学研究科考古学研究室紀要 Issue 7
published_at 2015-07-30

重圏文鏡の画期と意義 <考古学研究室の調査研究: 論文>

Typology and Periodization of the Juken-mon (Concentric Circle Style) Mirrors <Research and Studies at the Department of Archaeology: Article>
Wakiyama Kana
2.96 MB
Jukenmon mirrors are small imitative mirrors found in the ruins in Japan from the Late Yayoi period to the early Kofun period. Most of those mirrors were mainly produced at the beginning of the Kofun period. Until now, given the fact that the mirrors are small, several researchers have discussed about the political significance of those artifacts, without being able to reach a consensus.

Therefore, the author has investigated the Jukenmon mirrors, considering their typology, thickness and the shape of their button holes, in order to be able to clarify their appearance background and their significance. As a result, the author suggested four periods in the Jukenmon mirrors production and discussed aspects of each period from the appearance to the decline of those artifacts.

Concerning the production centers, since similar Jukenmon mirrors have been found in very distant places, the author has determined that the mirrors should have been produced in the same area, somewhere in the bronze production centers of the Kinai area. The author concluded that Jukenmon mirrors were the first imitative mirrors which were produced and distributed as prestige goods to local authorities under the control of the Yamato state at the beginning of the Kofun period.