広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. III, 文明科学研究 Volume 7
published_at 2012-12-31

ルィセンコ覇権に抗して : ソ連邦科学アカデミー・シベリア支部・細胞学=遺伝学研究所の設立をめぐって <論文>

Against Lysenkoites' Hegemony : On the Establishment of the Institute for Cytology and Genetics of Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. <Articles>
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The coincidence of Lysenkoites' hegemony and the rapid rise of molecular genetics and cytology in the second half of 1950s in the Soviet Union had been explained mainly in the context of the course of events in Soviet agriculture, or as a result of the maneuvers or the spontaneous movements of Soviet scientists trying for the ruling power upon their own field of science or the freedom of their research. Through the careful survey of the minutes and the stenographic notes of the Presidium meetings of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the documents kept in the Scientific Archive of Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the author tries to explain that coincidence from the view-point of the Cold War; the research concern had to be concentrated in the development of the research upon “effect of radiation on living bodies".
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