広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 総合科学研究 Volume 2
published_at 2021-12-31

1920年代、内モンゴルにおける社会変容と仏教勢力 : モンゴル王公、内モンゴル人民革命党との関係から

Buddhists and Social Changes in Inner Mongolia: From the Viewpoint of the Relationship between the Mongolian Aristocracy and the People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolia in the 1920s
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This article comprehensively analyzed and examined the regional development of Inner Mongolia in the 1920s from the perspective of the various aspects of Tibetan Buddhist policy and the reaction of Buddhist forces.
Then, we clarified the concrete image of the structure of the tripartite relationship between the Mongolian Aristocracy, Buddhists, and the People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolia, an emerging political power in the Inner Mongolia society at that time. Additionally, we examined the contemporary significance of such an intrinsic social transformation from a political standpoint. The conclusions are as follows.
The regional development of Inner Mongolia in the 1920s was a trio of competing Mongolian Aristocracy, Buddhists, and the People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolia, sometimes cooperating, and sometimes confronting each other, seeking common challenges. It can be said that it contained the structure of the relationship. Conversely, the 1920s in Inner Mongolia also saw the Mongolian Aristocracy, Buddhists, and the People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolia clashing with each other to understand Mongolian society. It can be said that it has contemporary significance.
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