広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 総合科学研究 2 巻
2021-12-31 発行


Seal Glyph “Correctness” Definition in Fugubian and the Conformances in the Extended Versions in the Yuan Dynasty
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“Fugubian” (FGB) by Zhang You in the Northern Song Dynasty had several useful appendixes for “similar-but-different characters,” “acceptable glyphic variations,” and “correct and wrong glyph shapes.” For the studies on the Seal glyph “correctness” out of the field of Shuowen Jiezi (SWJZ) studies, a preliminary study is conducted for the “correct and wrong glyph shapes” and the conformances in the extended versions of the FGB in the Yuan dynasty. Most parts of the glyph correctness definitions in the original FGB were found to be justifiable by the glyph structure definitions in the DaXu version of SWJZ, although 20% of them are incompatible with the representative glyph in the DaXu version of SWJZ. The extended versions of FGB conform to the correctness defined by the original FGB, but Zengxiu Fugubian is supposed to be using another correctness definition that differs from the original FGB and the DaXu version of SWJZ.
本稿は科研費課題番号16K004600A, 19K12716の成果を含みます。
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