Bulletin of general health research, Hiroshima University Health Service Center
Volume 32
Date of Issue:2016-03-01
current number
ISSN : 0911-3231
Publisher : Hiroshima University Health Service Center
Original Articles
Early support for university students with ADHD tendencies
PP. 1 - 8
PP. 9 - 15
Brief Report
Autism spectrum disorder in university students: understanding and support
PP. 17 - 23
Adjustment process of reasonable accommodation for students with disability
PP. 25 - 29
Study of remote supporting system for students with disabilities in higher education
Sakamoto Akiko Yamamoto Mikio Yamasaki Eri Itoi Maho Shigetomi Noriko Sano-Fujita Mariko Yoshihara Masaharu
PP. 41 - 45
Seventeen year summary of gynecologic consultations in a university
Matsuyama Mariko Yamamoto Masako Hiyama Toru Ishihara Reiko Shiono Rie Yashiki Hisako Sugihara Miyuki Yoshihara Masaharu
PP. 57 - 61
Psychological consultations at a university health service center: Questionnaire results of international students
Kojima Nanae Okamoto Yuri
PP. 63 - 69