The psychological barriers that hinder college students to undergo student counseling are called service gap. To clarify the factors affecting help-seeking behavior among college students,we need a reliable and valid instrument to measure college students' intention of seeking counseling. The purpose of this study was to develop Intention of Seeking Counseling Inventory for College Students,and examined its reliability and validity. The Inventory was developed, based on Cash, Begley,McCown,and Weise's Intention of Seeking Counseling Inventory (1975). Factor analysis suggested three-factor solution and sufficient internal consistency. The first subscale,Psychological and Interpersonal Concerns,included 10 items (α=.92). The second subscale,Academic Concerns, contained 4 items (α=.84). The third subscale,Health Concerns had 3 items(α=.78). Examination of the validity of the Inventory confirmed that it had comparatively high validity. Finally,implications for future research were discussed.
service gap
student counseling
help-seeking behavior
intention of seeking counseling