IDEC DP2 Series 7 巻 4 号
2018-02-24 発行

Measuring the Impact of Modern Waste Collection and Processing Service Attributes on Residents’ Acceptance of Waste Separation Policy Using a Randomized Conjoint Field Experiment in Sleman Regency, Indonesia

Isdwiyani Rofiq
1.31 MB
Indonesia is one of the countries that are facing serious solid waste problems. Though the issue is now addressed in its capital city of Jakarta, many secondary cities are left behind. This research attempts to analyze the effects of the waste management policy components impacting respondents’ policy acceptance probabilities in Sleman Regency near Yogjakarta, Indonesia. Using a randomized conjoint field experiment based on the proposal of modern waste collection services the paper shows that a new waste management policy including waste separation with frequent organic waste collection will increase popular support. Indeed if the government introduces a waste collection and processing services that consist of the most preferred levels of these attributes, it is shown that majority of the residents supports this new waste management policy, which will reduce waste at its source.
Waste management policy
Waste separation
Randomized conjoint experiment