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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Issue 18
( 2024-03-31 )
Issue 17
( 2022-03-31 )
Issue 16
( 2020-03-31 )
Issue 15
( 2018-03-31 )
Issue 14
( 2016-03-31 )
Issue 13
( 2014-03-31 )
Issue 12
( 2012-03-31 )
Issue 11
( 2010-03-31 )
Issue 10
( 2008-03-31 )
Issue 8
( 2004-03-31 )
Issue 7
( 2002-03-31 )
Issue 6
( 1999-03-31 )
Issue 5
( 1998-03-31 )
Hiroshima Papers on Society and Culture
Issue 11
Date of Issue:2010-03-31
current number
The Guraduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Hiroshima Univercity, Hiroshima, Japan
ソ連邦科学アカデミーの戦時疎開に関する一考察 <論説>
On the Evacuation of Institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the Second World War. <Articles>
Ichikawa Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 28
看護師女性のワーク・ライフ・バランス <論説>
Work-Life Balance of female nurses <Articles>
Sato Yoko
PP. 29 - 49
知的障害者の母親たちの「脱家族介助化」過程 : 成人知的障害者の母親たちに対するインタビュー調査の結果から <論説>
The leaving process of the family care for mother's of mentally retarted <Articles>
Nakayama Taeka
PP. 51 - 76
エコカー時代に求められるサプライヤー管理 <論説>
Supplier management in eco-friendly car age <Articles>
Hatakeyama Hiromu
PP. 77 - 100
中小企業従業員のキャリア形成と職場の活性化 <論説>
Career formation for employees and activation in smaller businesses <Articles>
Kaga Takamichi
PP. 101 - 132
結婚難の深化と婚活支援の必要性 <論説>
The Difficulty of Getting Married and the Growing Need for Creating a New Type of Marriage Support in Current Japan <Articles>
Zaiki Kazuo
PP. 133 - 209
地方自治体レベルの結婚支援について <研究ノート>
The Local Government Policy in Support of Spouse Search for the Single Inhabitants <Research Report>
Rozhina Natalia
PP. 211 - 236
介護保険制度と家族介護 : 東広島市の高齢者介護を手掛かりにして <研究ノート>
The public-care insurance system and family caring : Wish senior citizen nursing of Higashi Hiroshima city as a clue <Research Report>
Yang Yang
PP. 237 - 263