36 号
2023-08-31 発行
ISSN : 0914-9872
発行元 : 広島芸術学会
Mi Fu’s Ideal State: “Each Work Should be Like a Refined Person”
福光 由布
PP. 1 - 19
Possibilities of Expression in the Music Performance of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s Free Fantasias: Focusing on the Late Work Wq61/3
末永 雅子
PP. 21 - 43
On Takeo Yamauchi’s The Monument of the Industrial City, Ube as a Monument in the Age of Postwar Democracy
藤井 匡
PP. 45 - 61
Manifesta 14 Prishtina in Kosovo: Mediation of Citizen Participation through Artistic Interventions, Archives and Narratives
石谷 治寛
PP. 63 - 76
Introduction of Paintings Inherited in Buttsu-ji Gankiin Including Fusuma Panels by Unkoku Togan on the Occasion of Designation as Municipal Property of Mihara City
城市 真理子
PP. 77 - 94