藝術研究 Issue 31
published_at 2018-07-27

ルグランの芸術創作における音と映像 : 音楽と平和の隠喩としての「鳥」 <査読論文>

Sound and Image in Michel Legrand's Art Works: "Birds" as a Metaphor of Music and Peace <Articles>
Kurata Marie
3.23 MB
The most remarkable point of the feature film, CI'nq fours en Jwn (1989) directed by Michel Legrand (1932- ) is that only two of the music originally composed by Legrand in the film. What is more, the ambient sounds of birdsong in the film is distinctively choreographed. In different works of Legrand (film music, picture book, novel), the use of "birds" as musical elements can be easily found. This paper seeks to show the significance of the bird in his works through an analysis of metaphor as a mode of expression and of the experiences of Legrand himself.
The Legrand's use of "birds" as musical elements reveals not only his intention to connect birds and music but also his antipathy to war. Thus, if it represents Legrand's belief that "the music (musical elements) in the film must surpass the political unreasonableness," the expression of "birds" is not simply a symbol of peace in general but is also a mirror to reflect Legrand's aspiration for peace.
本稿は、広島芸術学会第一二一回例会(二〇一七年一二月一六日、於 広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)での口頭発表に加筆修正したものである。
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