広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 教育学 45 号
1997-03-14 発行


A Study on Women's Empowerment through Enlargement of Learning Opportunity.
佐々木 正治
白石 義孝
熊谷 愼之輔
857 KB
After the Fourth World Conference on Women (1995), the concept of "women's empowerment" is becoming popular gradually. But the work of developing learning opportunities for women's empowerment is not enough.

The "Women's Hiroshima College" was created by Hiroshima-shi Fujinkyoikukaikan (Hiroshima-city women's education bureau) in 1995. This project is aimed at providing learning opportunity for women's empowerment.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the connection between women's empowerment and learning through the case study of the "Women's Hiroshima College".

This paper consists of the following parts:

I. Lifelong learning and women's empowerment

II. The establishment of Women's Hiroshima College

III. Learning program in Women's Hiroshima College

IV. Program assessment by the participants

V. Outcomes in Women's Hiroshima College
