The purpose of this study was to analyze the mutual interactions between teachers and children in annual events activities of nursery school (y#ochien) comparing with play activities.
A systematic observation method was adopted in this research. The authors especially devised two kinds of observation categories to check (1) active behaviors of a teacher on young children, (2) responsive behaviors of the teacher to their active behaviors. Annual events, including with "the short trip", "Onigiri (rice ball) party", "Mochitsuki (rice-cake making)", "Yakiimo (baked sweet potatoes)", and "presentation of singing songs, dancing, and operetta. etc.", were conducted to observe the behaviors of the teacher and children.
The following are the main results;
1. Compared with play activities, the teacher's behaviors were inclined to directive in events activities. In some events activities that had less strict in schedule, the teachers behaviors were inclined to supportive.
2. Supportive behaviors of teacher, such as praise, suggestion, approval, etc, fostered the independent, supportive behaviors and active interactions among children in events activities.
3. Some modifications of the content of events activities, such as less restricted environment and more freedom in schedule, will draw out and develop children's independent and spontaneous behaviors.