広島大学教育学部紀要. 第一部, 心理学 47 号
1999-03-12 発行

コンピュータは遊具となり得るか : コンピュータの利点・問題点に関する保有者と保育科学生の意識

Can the computer be a toy for young children? : Early childhood teachers' and future early childhood teachers' awareness of advantages and disadvantages of using computers
伊藤 順子
坂田 和子
684 KB
This paper describes several issues on the relationship between early childhood education and the use of computers, analyzing the awareness of advantages and disadvantages of using computers in early childhood education. Early childhood teachers and future early childhood teachers were the subjects in this research. At first, we asked subjects to write down whatever they felt about advantages and disadvantages of using computers in an early childhood educational setting. Based on the results of this preliminary research, we determined questions (41 advantages and 42 disadvantages) to be asked in the main questionnaire. By factor analysis, the advantages were divided into three factors : development of ability to think and express oneself, acquisition of computer literacy, and experiences in virtual reality. The disadvantages were divided into four factors : decreasing in contact with friends or toys, difficulty in setting up computer environment, decreasing in emotional and social experiences in real life, and sole dependence on computers.
Early childhood teachers
Future early childhood teachers