The study focuses on the farm techniques (FTs) used by the Japanese farmers in the cultivation of rice, vegetables and flowers, and fruits in order to attain sustainable agricultural development. Data were collected from a random sample of 45 households through personal interview schedule by the Co-operative Supervisors during 15 September to 10 November 1997. In addition, data were also collected from the extension officials and co-operative advisors through RRA (Rapid Rural Appraisal) during July to December 1997. Four-point Likert type scale was used to measure the farm techniques used by the farmers. Farm techniques use index (FTUI) was also computed in order to make ranking of the techniques used. The findings reveal that farmers' use of farm techniques were the highest in rice cultivation followed by vegetables and flowers, and fruits respectively. The use of farm techniques by the farmers had significant positive correlation with their farm size, and contact with information sources.