Review of Japanese studies
Issue 7
Date of Issue:1993-03-31
current number
ISSN : 0911-3401
Publisher : 日本研究研究会
"Onmyo-Gogyo"" idea and ancient tree worship in ""Kojiki"" : With reference to ""Ohketsu-hime"" myth in ""Kojiki"";
Yang Gang
PP. 1 - 24
Conjunctive patterns ""Te"" and ""Renyo"" form of verbs, in Akutagawa Ryunosuke's works
Lu Yu-chang
PP. 25 - 36
Negative form in Akutagawa Ryunosuke's works : With reference to A wa(ga, mo) +nai
Lee Keum-Jae
PP. 37 - 46
The tendency of Korean cotton cultivation, textile trade with Japan in ""Richo"" era and that of Japanese initial cotton cultivation
Kim Young-hwi
PP. 47 - 62